About Finance Explained

Finance Explained is written by a group of seasoned private investors based in London who have been investing in the market for well over 25 years each. We have both profited and lost money in the markets (as with 99.99%) of investors and have created this blog to share some of our learnings, the good and the painful ones.

This is not a site for day traders or short term investors. Our approach is to take a medium to long term view while not ignoring opportunities if they arise through short term spikes and we've certainly seen enough of those in recent years... 

We look for value, with strong fundamentals, good dividend prospects and are not afraid to be contrary when the situation dictates it as our belief is that markets are both rational and irrational, subject as they are to the foibles of human nature, even if machines and algorithms are making huge numbers of trades in the background to private investor trades. 

Most important of all is that this site is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. We are not professional investors and you should do your own research and apply your own common sense and get help from professional advisors as and when you need it.


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